Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Reclining Twist

Twists bring amazing benefits to our spine and internal organs.  They relax the nervous system.  Twists have amazing detoxifying benefits not only to our physical self, but also to our emotional well-being.

Usually when we think about flexibility of the spine, we think of heart-openers and back bends.  One of the most vital parts of spine flexibility happens in our twists.

It's very important to take gentle twists at the beginning of our practice and as we move into our practice warming the body, we may then find more space and may move deeper. By then end of our practice, our bodies are craving the sweet blissful feeling of a reclined twist.  I enjoy taking these twists right before my final pose - Savasana.  Also, any seated forward fold also feels lovely after a reclined twist as this resets the spine and brings some relief to the low back right before Savasana.

Yin Yoga - A note about practicing twists at the end of your Yin Yoga practice...please don't go too deep.  As you move into a reclined twist as shown in these pictures, keeping knees together isn't super important. Go in as deep as you feel you need. Move very slowly into this twist and move extra slow as you come out of it.  *click on Yin Yoga for more details.

Moving into a Reclined Twist:

  • Lying on your back, bring your knees into your chest and give them a gentle hug.  Allow the low back to release and relax before slowly bringing your knees right or left.
  • Lay your arms out to the sides of you, or bring opposite hand to gently rest over opposite top knee.
  • After a warm yang practice, keep your knees together (unless pregnant) as you slowly allow the knees to gently twist to the right or left.  Your opposite shoulder may come off of the ground, if this puts stress on the shoulder, don't worry about knees being together until you feel release in the spine and may move deeper, then bring the knees closer together, allowing a deep twist in the waist.
  • If your knees are twisting to the right, your right shoulder may get bunched up underneath you.  Bring right hand to your knees and gently untuck that shoulder, helping you to find more space in your midsection for this twist.
*Variations - There are many variations to a reclined twist - 

Crossed Leg Twist - keep your feet on the ground and cross one knee over the other, as if you were sitting cross legged, and then slowly recline in the direction of the leg underneath you, for instance, if your right knee is crossed over your left, you would then twist to the left, bringing left hand over right knee, if you so desire. (Pic below)

Crossed leg over straight leg
- Draw one knee into chest, lets say the left knee, keep the right leg long and straight. Opening your arms out to the sides of you but not above your shoulders, bring your left toes to the inside of your right knee and gently touch them there as you roll twist over to the right, onto the outer right hip.  Allow that top left knee to gently come down to touch the mat or floor, and relax the legs here.  Try not to hold stress in any part of your body as you twist.  Allow the left shoulder to open and bring your gaze over to the left, if that feels good to you.  All of the same suggestions for explanations on twist above apply.  

*A note if you're pregnant.  Deep twists can be harmful during pregnancy.  Listen to your body as you move into twist.  It doesn't have to be a deep twist for it to have some of the same benefits.  Keep the twist more in the mid to upper spine versus the low back.  Avoid twisting from the waist or low back deeply.

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