Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Child's Pose - Balasana

Child's Pose is a common posture taken in Yoga.  I immediately think of being a child or of my children when I see this pose.  It's an amazing pose to take as it's an opportunity to come back to myself.  It can an incredibly calming posture!  In the beginning there were aspects of this posture that was difficult for me and sometimes finding comfort here was a challenge.  Do not worry if this happens to you.  I've found that children visit this pose all the time!  As we grow into adults, we get out of the habit of this.  Our bodies become tense, tight and full of tension and stress and our ability to fold ourselves into a little ball is foreign for a little while.  As we practice this, our spirits remember and we find peace.  So... in the beginning, this may be just fine for you, but if you struggle, take it slowly.  Rest in this posture with breath and mindful focus for as long as you're able before moving out of it slowly.

As I move into my practice, and even in life, I move outside my normal comfort zone and challenge myself.  I learn, grow, change, and become stronger.  However, like a long night of rejuvenating rest to recover and restore, Child's Pose calls me home.  It is an opportunity to come back to me, to reflect and turn inward to those things I've learned about myself from my adventure outside.  It's an opportunity to find my breath.  

“Home is where you go to find solace from the ever changing chaos, to find love within the confines of a heartless world, and to be reminded that no matter how far you wander, there will always be something waiting when you return.” 
― Kendal Rob

Child's Pose
** There are many variations, pictured a few I enjoy.  Feel free to move into the variation that calls to you.

1- From a tabletop position (hands and knees on mat).  Bring your knees to the *width of your mat, big toes touching.
2- Begin to draw your sits bones down toward your heels.  If you feel pain or discomfort, you may place a blanket behind the knees.  If you feel pain in your knees, kneel on a blanket or extra mat for relief.
3- Bring your forehead down to the mat, with hands extended out in front of you, palms down OR down by your sides, palms up.
4- Relax your jaw and neck.
5- Breathe.
*Variation - Keep your knees closer together as you sit back on your heels.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this tutorial on Child's Pose. Thanks for sharing it with us! I am truly fascinated towards yoga benefits. I am thinking to join the best Philadelphia Yoga Classes. Can you suggest some good yoga studios in Philadelphia?
