Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Meditation - Examine Your Beliefs

  • What do you believe about yourself?
  • What do you believe about others?

Ponder these questions for several minutes.  As you close your eyes and witness the blank screen behind your eyes - perhaps notice the mini movies of your thoughts as they dance across your screen.

Don't hesitate to jot down anything that comes to mind. Make a list perhaps of those beliefs that come to mind.  Perhaps write "I believe..." at the top of a page.  If you find you're struggling to find awareness of your beliefs, ASK your source.  Mine is my Heavenly Father.

Some examples from my own personal meditation this morning...

I believe I don't memorize things easily.     LIE - TEACHERS
I believe my body can't handle running long distances because of the experiences I've had in the past. I believe _______ hates me and thinks I'm strange.     LIE
I believe I'm a teacher
I believe I'm good at organizing.
I believe I'm a good cook.     MOM
I believe my husband loves and supports me.     TRUTH
I believe my Savior is always near.

As you finish your pondering - as these questions below.  Perhaps write in bright bold ink on the line or next to it the label or name for each belief. TRUTH, LIE, MOM, MEDIA, GOD, TEACHERS.  Some of our beliefs were planted in our minds by people - so label those beliefs as well.

  • Are they truths or lies? 
  • Where did this belief come from?

CHALLENGE those beliefs that do not work for you
LET GO of those that do not support & elevate you.

CHOOSE TO BELIEVE differently!  Wow!  Imagine - taking each negative belief - those that do not serve you and writing down the opposite

I AM great at remembering what I learn.
I believe __________ loves me and yearns to know more about me.
I believe my body is teaching me and I am capable of anything!

Finish your meditation by again closing your eyes.  Attach breath to each new belief with your inhale and exhale our what is old, stagnant and doesn't belong.  Let it go with each exhale. 

These long time beliefs may come up again for you - if so, repeat this little exercise.  I have had much success in writing down my experiences each day with meditations.  To express what is in my mind and heart on paper - makes it more tangible - and something I can 'see'.  Our thoughts are not always seen - yet they affect so much of what we DO, which is seen.  Bring them out - those beliefs - shine a big bold light upon them and if those beliefs are light, they'll stay.  If they're dark and yucky, they can't remain, not if you decide to change them by writing a truth - even if, at first, it doesn't seem true. Belief allows manifestation & gives us the power to create & transform who we are.  It is the seed - the beginning and is connected with words such as hope & faith.  The word BELIEVE is powerful.

Happy Sunday 



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