Monday, August 4, 2014

Dragon Pose - Yin Yoga

This is a posture used in both Yin & Yang practice.  The idea behind Yin is to exercise the joints.  It is very important when practicing Yin Yoga, to focus on correct alignment.  This is true for any form of exercise, right?!  More on Yin to come.

This pose is called Dragon.  This is a deep hip and groin opener and gets right into the hip joint.  It stretches the back leg's hip flexors and quadriceps.  This can be very uncomfortable on the knee, so feel free to place something soft under the knee that will be on the mat.  It's VERY IMPORTANT to keep the front knee aligned with the ankle!

To get into this pose, you will begin on hands and knees or in Down Dog.  Step one foot forward between your hands.  Walk the front foot forward to align the knee over the back heel or ankle.  Slide the back knee as far as you comfortable are able.  There are many options for holding this posture. Be sure to work on holding this posture for 1 minute.  The idea is to bring calm or soft Ujjayi breath.  As with any Yoga practice, empty the mind with focus on the breath, attaching a color to your breath, or inhaling a favorite smell that brings you peace.  As you do so, allow the body to relax as much as possible.  Avoid fidgeting.  As you hold this posture, you will feel a little release and may be able to move deeper.  "Play the edges of your body & mind" in Yin postures.  If you feel sharp pain, or pain that begins to radiate or if you feel your legs or any part of your body begin to get tingly, like it is falling asleep, gently move out of the posture.  

Hold ONE version of Dragon for at least one minute, working up to more...3-5 minutes.  You may hold each option of this pose as you move deeper for 1-2 minutes, cycling through them all, if you wish.  Make sure you take a counter posture (listed at the end) before moving to the other side.

Options for this posture:
  1. You may keep the hands on either side of the foot, pressing the top of the back foot down firmly.  Keep that back foot straight, pressing through the second little toe. Allow the hips to soften, as you reach the "edge" of your stretch.
  2. Low-Lunge or Baby Dragon - (shown in picture): Bring your hands to the inside of that front foot.  As you begin to go deeper, you may move to your forearms, placing them on a block.  You may also place another block lengthwise, so it is higher than the block you're resting your forearms on and rest your head.  Keep your front knee in close to your armpit.
  3. In Baby Dragon - allow that front knee to fall out to the side, even allowing the front foot to roll outward onto the outside of that foot.  
There are other options for this posture that go quite deep.  In time I will be adding these with pictures.

Coming out of this pose: Move slowly out of the pose the way you came in.
Counterpose: Down Dog or Child Pose feel wonderful for a minute before moving to the other side.

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